The elected president of the United States, Donald Trumpthe change of the foreign policy of your country with global effects. with the senator Marco Rubio as Secretary of State nominee, the new foreign policy prioritizes the interest and security of the United States with clear identification of the enemies who attack it with drug trafficking, forced migration, crime and other expressions of hybrid war, originated and executed by the dictatorships of 21st century socialism whose end is a sine qua non.
The attack on the United States and the democracies of the Americas by the dictatorships of Russia, China, Iran, North Koreais done through the dictatorships of the Americas or the socialism of the 21st century, which under the command of Cuba are made up of their satellites Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia.
The political and military agreements between the dictatorships of Russia, China and Iran with the dictatorships of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua are public, with the guiding axis of the dictatorship of Cuba, which determines the foreign policy of the entire group. Public information proves the installation of bases and centers with various technological purposes, civil and military equipment and training, transfer of natural resources and strategic territorial spaces, commercial and credit operations, and subordination to China, Russia and Iran, directed against of the United States and democracies.
Las dictatorships of 21st century socialism have expanded in the region promoting candidates who, when they win elections, put their governments at the service of dictatorships, they are the “para-dictatorial” governments of Brazil with Lula, Mexico with Sheinbaum, Colombia with Petro and Honduras with Castro (Chile with Boric in apparent exit process). Democratically elected presidents who subordinate their foreign and internal policies to the dictatorships led by Cuba enhance the capacity of service and penetration of China, Russia and Iran against the United States and the democracies.
The dictatorial governments of the Americas have supported and led – Brazil with Lula and Mexico with López Obrador – positions and votes in favor of Russia and the terrorism who attacked Israel, against United States, European Union, Japan and other countries that took over to maintain international peace and security. They have blocked decisions in the Organization of American States in defense of the popular will in Venezuela, they economically support the Cuban dictatorship by hiring slave personnel and other forms of vassalage, they ignore and cover up the human rights violations and state terrorism in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia without any consequences.
The dictatorships of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia have become essential for the presence and growing threat of Russia, China and Iran in the Americas, turning the region into confrontation zone which has no precedent. The map of the Americas today shows the United States surrounded by aggressor and aggressive governments, when at the beginning of the century it was a map of democracy, the fight against crime and consensus for development.
As long as dictatorships exist in the Americas, the democracies of the region and the United States in particular will be threatened, attacked and will suffer the consequences of the control of political power by transnational organized crime with the mask of 21st century socialism or another alibi. Under current conditions, the foreign policy of the United States can only stop and end the attack it suffers on its territory – drug trafficking, forced migration and various forms of crime – with the return to democracy of the countries occupied by dictatorships.
Las military dictatorships of Latin America They made way for democracy in the 1970s – in the middle of the Cold War – basically due to the change in the foreign policy of the United States. All the countries in the region under dictatorships, except Cuba, became democratized and thus we reached the end of the 20th century with 34 democracies and one dictatorship. The forecast for the 21st century was for the Americas to be a region of full democracy and instead the Cuban dictatorship expanded, the fight against drug trafficking ceased, it became politically incorrect to defend democracy and freedom, violations of human rights and the protection of crime, and it became normal to attack the United States with impunity.
Everything indicates that the change in foreign policy that President Donald Trump and his secretary of state Marco Rubio have begun, will be successful in making the Americas (Western Hemisphere according to the organization of the State Department) the region of full democracy, coinciding with the mandate of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
*The author of this article is a Lawyer and Political Scientist and Director of the Interamerican Institute for Democracy