The State Police of Pennsylvania released the first images of the suspect Luigi Mangioneaccused of the murder of CEO de United Healthcarewhile inside a McDonald’s restaurant in Altoonawhere he was arrested.
In the photographs, Glutton appears sitting in a corner of the restaurant, wearing a face mask and consuming what appears to be a McDonald’s hash brown.
“Law enforcement continues to request the public’s assistance in gathering information regarding recent displacements and the whereabouts of Luigi Mangione in Pennsylvania“, reported the State Police of Pennsylvania through his account on X (formerly Twitter). They urged anyone with information to call 1-800-4PA-TIPS or submit tips online.
The arrest was made by rookie officer Tyler Frye of the Police Department. Altoonaafter a restaurant employee and customer identified Glutton as the suspect on a wanted poster and they will call the authorities.
When officers arrived at the scene, they found Glutton in the back of the restaurant, working on a laptop, wearing a mask and hat. When asked to remove the face maskagents recognized him as the man wanted in connection with the murder of Brian ThompsonCEO de UnitedHealthcare.
During the meeting, Glutton he allegedly handed over a fake ID, gave a fake name and “went silent and started shaking” when asked if he had recently been in New York.
Additionally, he was found in possession of an unlicensed firearm, known as ghost pistolsimilar to the weapon used in the murder of Thompsonas well as writings that contained criticism of the health industry.
Initially, Glutton He was arrested on charges not directly related to the murder, including possession of an unregistered weapon, providing false information to police and forgery.
According to Joseph Kennychief of detectives New York City Police Department, Luigi Mangione26, detained as a person of interest for the murder of the executive director of UnitedHealthcare, Brian Thompsonis passionate about programming and video game development. His arrest occurred on Monday morning, days after he committed the crime in downtown Manhattan.
Born and raised in MarylandMangione studied at the Gilman School of Baltimorea private high school where he stood out as an athlete and was the best student of his class in 2016. In his graduation speech, he praised his classmates as a group that “generates new ideas and challenges the world around them,” while thanking to parents for their investment in a school with current tuition of $37,690 per year.
Afterwards, Glutton studied at the University of Pennsylvaniawhere he earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree in engineering. During his time at the university, he was part of the fraternity Phi Kappa Psi and he dedicated much of his time to video game development, a field that he was deeply passionate about.
In 2019, Stanford University confirmed that an individual by the name of Luigi Mangione worked as chief advisor in his program Pre-University Studies.
According to statements collected by The New York Times, the life of Luigi Mangione was marked by intense back pain due to a misalignment of the vertebrae that compressed a nerve. The condition, described as debilitating by friends and acquaintances, significantly influenced his daily life, even after undergoing back surgery last year in an attempt to alleviate his condition.
Between January and June 2022, Mangione resided in Surfbreaka community of coexistence in Honolulu, Hawaiiwhere he formed relationships with other residents. According to RJ Martinfounder of the space, Mangione was unable to maintain a romantic relationship due to the physical limitations imposed by his pain. “He confessed to me that dating someone and being physically intimate was not possible because of his back problem. I remember he told me and my heart breaks,” Martin said in an interview with the media.
For its part, Jackie Wexlera food technologist in New York and a resident of Surfbreak during the same period, described Glutton as “a very thoughtful and deeply compassionate person in everything he did.” During his stay, the young man alternated periods of relative normality with episodes in which his physical pain intensified, which limited his participation in daily activities, according to those close to him.