At the end of April of this year, the PSOE He was immersed in confusion. The debate over the succession appeared through Ferraz’s windows when Pedro Sanchez He gave himself five days to decide whether or not to continue leading the Government. After announcing that he remained at the helm, the spirit of the socialists continued to be touched by the possibility of being orphaned in leadership, but its general secretary took a few days to clear up that mystery by predicting his intention to reach 2027 to run again for the elections.
This Sunday, the President of the Government and Secretary General of the PSOE ratified his commitment to continue leading the party, with “more desire, more enthusiasm and more strength than ever”and called on his people to win the regional, local and general elections scheduled for three years from now. Sánchez adopted this commitment in the 41st Federal Congress of the partyheld in Seville, in front of 7,000 people and after having been re-elected with 90% of the votes as leader of the formation for the fourth time in ten years.
His intention remains intact, although the President of the Executive continues to stand in a much more unfavorable political and judicial context than seven months ago. The onslaught that shook Sánchez has grown worse as the court cases who surround their surroundings, with their wife, Begoña Gómezand his brother, David Sanchezcharged in two different cases.
This “manhunt strategy”, as the number three of the PSOE called it in Seville, Santos Cerdanare added the accusations of corruption that affect several government officials and important socialist leaders within the framework of the Koldo case (among them, Cerdán himself). For now, the statements of the alleged commission agent, the businessman Victor de Aldamahave not been supported by evidence to demonstrate them.
However, in recent days another line of investigation has been added that keeps Moncloa under suspicion. This is the open case against the attorney general in the Supreme Court for the alleged revelation of secrets by the email leak in which the boyfriend of Isabel Diaz Ayuso He admitted two tax crimes.
In the midst of judicial controversies, the socialist conclave has served to reinforce its general secretary. With hardly any internal response—only Emiliano García-Page called for self-criticism—Sánchez looked toward 2027 with optimism. “The regrets, the ashy gray of pessimism, let the right and the extreme right keep them,” he added. He set the priority of winning again territorial power in the regional and municipal elections: “The denialist governments (local and regional) will last as long as this legislature lasts.”
Until that moment arrives, Sánchez trusts the party’s comeback to the role of the Government. “For every attack from him (from the right and the extreme right) there will be a new progressive policy approved in the Official State Gazette.” The President of the Executive harangued the socialist troops to continue along this path, although he admitted that the goals pursued “are not easy to achieve” due to the complicated “parliamentary arithmetic” and for facing the “most disloyal opposition in Europe.”
For this new stage, the leader of the PSOE decided to continue hand in hand with the same squires, betting on the continuity of Maria Jesus Montero as deputy secretary general, and Santos Cerdan as Secretary of Organization. As a novelty, the Government delegate in Valencia, Pilar Bernabebecame the number four of the party, and Enma Lopez y Francisco Ayalacritical of the former Madrid leader Juan Lobatobecame part of the federal leadership, which maintains seven ministers.
Far from the initial forecasts due to the controversy unique financing for Catalonia agreed by the PSC with ERC, this issue was settled with a agreement that pleases everyone. The socialists agreed on a text related to this issue in the presentation, which establishes that the new model will be approved “multilaterally” in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council, “without prejudice” to the “bilateral relationship” with each community and oriented towards a “federal” model. It also includes the right to the “bilateral relationship of the State with each autonomous community based on what is included in the different statutes” of autonomy.
Among the commitments acquired by the party, the modification of the LOREG also stands out so that The right to vote can be enjoyed from the age of 16and the increase of public housing stock until exceeding 6% of the total. In this sense, Sánchez announced his intention to create a “large public housing company, capable of building and managing housing from the General State Administration.”
Finally, although Sánchez spoke of “not taking steps back,” the socialists agreed delete the acronym Q+ from the name of the LGTBIQ+ movementa measure criticized by formations to its left, including its coalition partners, since it means reopening the debate on the rights of trans people.