Lara Trump: “They tried to leave Trump out of the fight like Bolsonaro in Brazil, they are the same enemies of democracy”

Lara Trump at the inauguration of CPAC Argentina

Speaking at the Buenos Aires meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Lara Trump He assured that, after the triumph of Javier Miley and of Donald Trump“Argentina and the United States are ready to leave decades of failures behind.” In addition, he spoke about the situation in Brazil and compared what happened to the former president, who faced criminal cases in court, like Jair Bolsonaro.

“It’s clear. In America, Democrats tried to leave Donald Trump out of the fight; We saw it in Brazil, with Bolsonaro, and it is the same game, the same enemy of democracy. The short-term solution is to continue fighting,” said Eric Trump’s wife. And he added: “Look at the current state of Brazil. If you lose a single election unfairly, you can lose your country forever. That’s why electoral integrity is everything. “If they have a chance to save democracy, it must be the top priority.”

The daughter-in-law of the future president of the United States, and vice president of the Republican National Committee, began her presentation at CPAC Argentina with some words in Spanish and then highlighted the leadership of the libertarian, whom she compared to her father-in-law, who will be the next president American.

He establishment and the media made the campaigns of both impossible; Analysts obviously predicted that they were going to lose the elections,” he noted.

The leader also highlighted the efforts being carried out by the Casa Rosada to eliminate regulations and taxes: “This is the change that the people voted for and it is the change that they deserve, because we all know that when politicians do not serve the people, they “They are serving themselves,” he added.

Lara Trump opened the day at CPAC Buenos Aires, with an emphatic speech about the future of the United States and Argentina

In another part of her speech, the Republican Party leader assured that the conservatives “they are not extremists”but rather they are “patriots fighting for the well-being of their nations and their families.”

“So every time they try to silence us, our voices will get louder. We are the people trying to build the dream and we are putting our countries on their feet. Together, our nations, America and Argentina, will inspire the world. While Argentina rises, America rises; As we prosper, you prosper, and from La Pampa to the Colorado Canyon, we will make our countries great again“, hill.

The event began with the performance of the Argentine national anthem by the renowned singer Raúl “El Negro” Laviéand then the American, hand in hand with the Texan Natasha Owenswho at Tuesday’s gala dinner covered his hit “Trump son and you know it,” to pay tribute to Javier Milei.

  Matt y Mercy Schlapp
Matt y Mercy Schlapp

Next, Matt y Mercy Schlapppresident and host of CPAC, respectively, welcomed the presidents and asked a “hurray” for the United States, Argentina and Israel, and then assured that the organization’s objective is to “advance with freedom, protect families and defeat communism.”

“We have to stop the communists, the socialists, the Marxists, we have to stop them from putting their political enemies in jail,” said the first of them, to later name the examples of Trump and of Jair Bolsonarowho faced legal cases after their administrations.

More than a thousand people came to listen to the first presentations of the international event that brings together the main leaders of the new world right and that on this occasion is held in the Argentine capital.

In the room located on the ground floor of the Hilton Hotel, in the heart of the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Puerto Madero, some politicians also appeared, such as the former deputy Cinthia Hotton and the legislator of the city of Buenos Aires for United Republicans, Yamil Santoroamong others.

Lara Trump was the first speaker at the meeting
Lara Trump was the first speaker at the meeting

Furthermore, at the meeting there were some libertarian leaders, such as the journalist and influencer Franco Iván Jeremías Antunes Puchol, known on social networks as “Fran Fijap“, journalists from several countries, local businessmen and Mexican and North American spectators

Some of the people in the audience were wearing “Make America Great Again“(Let’s Make America Great Again, in Spanish), Trump’s campaign slogan, both for his first administration and for the new one that will begin in January.

In one of the corners of the room, the organizers set up a stand for the Faro Foundation, which is led by Agustín Laje, where the right-wing writer’s books were sold, as well as the biography of Javier Milei written by Nicolás Márquez and Marcelo Duclos.

The President will be in charge of closing the conference at 7:00 p.m., although the time could vary due to the delays that were generated at the beginning of the presentations, which began more delays half an hour later than expected.

Photos Adrián Escandar and Maximiliano Luna

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