Goethe’s “Faust,” the six-decade obsession that redefined literature and thought

AN Wilson’s biography explores the relationship between Goethe’s life and work

Johann Wolfgang von Goetheone of the greatest exponents of German literature, dedicated six decades of his life to the creation of his masterpiece, verse drama Faustoconsidered a pillar of universal literature. This monumental creative effort is the central axis of the new biography written by the prolific British author A.N. Wilsontitled Goethe: His Faustian Life. Wilson approaches the life of the German polymath through the lens of this work, exploring not only its content, but also its cultural and philosophical impact over the centuries.

The book of Wilson It is not intended to be a traditional biography nor does it seek to reveal new information about Goethesuch as unpublished letters or recent discoveries. Instead, the author focuses on analyzing how Fausto encapsulates the essence of Goethe and his vision of the world. Goethe He began working on this work at the age of 20, when he was still a law student, and did not complete it until he was 80. This tragic drama, divided into two parts, tells the story of Heinrich Faust, a scholar who makes a pact with Mephistopheles, a emissary of the devil, to exchange his soul for knowledge and pleasure. However, its scope goes far beyond this premise, as it includes deep philosophical and existential reflections on the human condition.

Wilsonknown for his biographies of figures such as Charles Darwin, Leo Tolstoy and the queen victoriause Fausto as a prism to explore the multiple interests and facets of Goethe. The author examines topics such as the history of the legend of Faustothe gender of bildungsromanFreemasonry, suicide, anatomy and the philosophy of the Enlightenment, among others. This approach, although ambitious, sometimes dilutes the figure of Goethe as a human being, turning it into a “storm system,” as described by himself. Wilson.

The influence of Goethe in Western culture and thought is another of the highlights in the biography. Over there, Wilson analyzes how the works of the German author, especially The Sorrows of Young Wertheranticipated key concepts of psychoanalysis, such as the unconscious, which he would later develop Sigmund Freud. Additionally, the book addresses the obsession of historical figures, such as Adolf Hitler, with Fausto. Hitler misinterpreted the play’s themes of ambition and tragic heroism, attempting to link them to German nationalism, an ideology that Goethe he deeply despised.

The impact of Fausto It is not limited to Europe. Chinese leader Xi Jinping, for example, has also expressed admiration for this work, leading to Wilson to compare it with the The Bible in terms of its capacity to be appropriated by diverse ideologies. “The words of Goethe They become the possession of any ideologue willing to claim them,” the author points out in his biography.

The biography highlights how ideologies
The biography highlights how different ideologies appropriated the themes of Faust

Despite the passion of Wilson by Goethethe book is not without challenges for the reader. The author urges his audience to read Goethe in its original language, arguing that the translations fail to fully capture the essence of his poetry. This recommendation, although valid, can be intimidating, given that the Mark Twain He joked, at the time, about the difficulty of the German language in his work A wanderer abroad.

In addition to Fausto, Goethe He left a vast and diverse literary legacy. He wrote more than 15 plays, as well as poetry, novels, short stories, scientific treatises, autobiographies and thousands of letters. Even when he was not actively working on the manuscript of Faustothe work remained in his mind, as a constant project that defined his creative life.

The biography written by Wilson also reflects on the cultural impact of Goethe in the present. The British author encourages readers to disconnect from modern distractions, such as social networks and the media, and immerse themselves in the works of Goethe. “Close your Wikipedia, close your Google… and open Goethe”writes Wilsonupdating the famous call of Thomas Carlyle: “Shut your Byron! Open your Goethe!”

Goethe: His Faustian Life It is not only a tribute to the work of a literary genius, but also an invitation to rediscover the depth and relevance of his legacy in a contemporary world that, according to Wilsonneeds more than ever the reflections and teachings of Goethe.

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