Christmas is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Christians everywhere around the world are expressing the importance of the miracles and miracles of Jesus Christ, which Christian teachers emphasize to their followers all the time in their sermons.
They also believed that these miracles were a great shield in their lives, as long as they did not go against the teachings that came to them.
Reverend Joseph John Hayab, head of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Kaduna state branch, told the BBC that Jesus Christ came to the world with miracles and examples for the people of the world.
Rabbi Hayab added that his being the savior of the community in the world, this is another great miracle among his miracles that they are proud of.
“The birth of Jesus brought us salvation, the birth of Jesus brought us light, the birth of Jesus connected us with God,” said Rabbi Hayab.
“So every day when we talk about Christmas, we think it is the power of God, and it is the reason for Christmas.”
The Rev. Garba Alex Shukau, the priest of Saint Loius Catholic Church in Bompai area of Kano, told the BBC that Jesus Christ came to earth with many miracles and wonders, saying ” His first miracle was his being a savior” for mankind.
“The second thing is that Jesus Christ came to earth to bring us peace in our hearts, and in our affairs with each other, family members, neighbors and even our ancestors,” said Reverend Garba.
To this day, one of the miracles of Jesus Christ, according to Reverend Hayab, is that since he came to earth, the main thing he did was to teach in “the field of forgiveness, social life, and obedience to orders.”
Rabbi Hayab also added that “The third thing that Jesus Christ did was that he did many miracles – healing the sick and raising the dead”.
“So when we look at the life of Jesus Christ, let’s start with how he was born? He was born with miracles, he lived a miraculous life, he died a miraculous death, and he rose to confirm the miracles that he came to teach,” he said.
In the same way, Reverend Garba Alex emphasized the issue of healing as one of the miracles of Jesus Christ.
He said: “When he came to earth, he used to heal the sick during his preaching tour, the sick got well, those who could not see returned to see, those who could not walk were able to walk. “
Preaching to bring peace and peace in the community is one of the miracles of Jesus Christ, according to Reverend Father Garba Alex, who is trying to maintain peace and love among the community.
“There is a miracle in the words he speaks during his sermons, so that he draws people’s attention to him with wisdom and perfection, explaining that fighting and discord is not a good way of life in this world.” ‘ he said.
The Christian religious teacher also explained that the coming of Jesus Christ to the world with light is an important event.
According to him, “when he came to the world, he enlightened it because the holy book explained to us that when he came, he enlightened the world and the hearts of the people.”
“He came to live with us, he came to bring us light, a light that will shine in our lives, our hearts, and our homes to give us peace and salvation.”
The Christian religious teachers have also stated that the miracles that Jesus Christ brought to the world are a theme in the lives of the followers of the religion anywhere in the world.
Rabbi Hayab said that it is therefore very important for his followers to learn from the things he brought to the world.
“The Lord God sent him to the world to save us from going astray and committing blasphemy, and to repent from our sins and return to the good path of following closeness to our Lord”, he said.
Here are some of the miracles of Jesus Christ:
- Heal the sick
- Wisdom in his preaching draws attention to peace and tranquility
- Being a savior of the community
- Raise the matatu to life
- Light at the time of his coming to earth
- Perfection in his words