A radical Chilean Mapuche group acknowledged that some of its members committed crimes and traffic drugs

However, they reaffirmed the use of violence as a “revolutionary tool.”

The radical Mapuche organization Weichán Auka Map (WAM), born in 2015 as a spin-off of the Arauco-Malleco Coordinator (CAM), published a video statement in which They recognized that several of their members have participated in crimes such as crimes and drug trafficking, distancing themselves from their claims to ancestral lands, which is why they took up arms.

The record, almost six minutes long, opens with a group of hooded men greeting in Mapudungún with a distorted voice, and then reading a statement in which they assure that the fight “will continue until we recover our territory,” according to Cooperative.

“Due to some serious events that have occurred for some time in this part, and in the face of the questions that have been raised towards our organization, we find it necessary to make this clarification about the undeniably real facts: as the death of civilians and drug trafficking, as well as the theft of vehicles. “These are facts that have muddied the worthy confrontational struggle that the Mapuche autonomist movement has recently carried out, of which we are an active part,” they pointed out.

“How Weichán Auka Mapu We assume that the people who were linked to our organization at the time were involved in these types of events, far from any revolutionary ethics. Facts that are not and will not be part of the principles of our organization,” they maintained.

“That said, we make it clear that This does not exonerate us from our responsibility. as revolutionary militants and we assume that we did not have the capacity at the time to stop these anti-revolutionary practices,” they acknowledged.

“The lack of organic disciplineadded to the growing criminal activity in the area, somehow allowed people linked to the movement to permeate. All this, added to the constant police and military harassment, added to the presence of armed gangs financed by large forestry companies, contributed to a climate of chaos and uncertaintyespecially in the province of Arauco,” they added.

“In this way, we reaffirm and emphasize the definition of who our enemies are: forestry companies, large landowners, extractive and arid projects and many more within the Mapuche territory. We reaffirm the use of violence as a revolutionary and legitimate tool, while the imposition by force of the invading State continues, which does nothing more than obey the interests of big businessmen and deepen the depredation of our territory,” they added.

“Whatever the government in power, fascist or social-democratic, will not change its colonial character. Freedom for the Mapuche political prisoners in the different prisons of this country, who today with dignity assume political prison for fighting for a free territory!”, closes the video.

His greatest reference is the machi Fidel Tranamil, older brother of Luis Tranamil, convicted of the murder of Carabineros corporal Eugenio Naín in 2020.

On April 30, the WAM published in Radio Kurruf a statement denying having been the authors of the murder of three police officers in Cañete (635kms south of Santiago), whose bodies appeared charred in the pickup of his institutional truck.

“Actions like the one that occurred do not contribute to the territorial claim processand they transgress fundamental principles of any revolutionary struggle worth its salt,” they stated on that occasion.

It was the reappearance of the group, hit in March by the arrest of the former Jesuit novice Luis García-Huidobro, sent to preventive detention after a protected witness placed him in a 2021 attack in Carahueclaimed by the WAM. Luis García-Huidobro pleaded innocent and denied being part of that organization.

Its known reference is machi Fidel Tranamilconvicted in 2013 for participating in the takeover of the San Fidel major seminary, which he returned to occupy in 2014. “The Church has proven to be another member of the State and we are not going to rest until we expel it,” he said then.

He was later falsely accused of participating in the Operation Hurricane. He is the older brother of Luis Tranamil, convicted of the murder of Carabineros corporal Eugenio Naín in 2020.

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